My Fitness Journey - Updated 2021

Everyone has their own life journey. Everyone is on their own life-long timeline, and no two people will be on the same path. Fitness is no different. Everyone has different goals and different approaches to those goals. Everyone begins at different times and levels. I thought I’d take a moment to write about my fitness journey and how far I’ve come during my fitness journey.

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I started my fitness journey in 2013 with yoga. I discovered CorePower Yoga that was near me. I loved the beginner classes that they offered. I loved the vibes I got from yoga. It gave me the confidence that everyone starts somewhere.

I learned that honoring where you are right now in any aspect of life is important. I still struggle with living in the moment and making the best of every situation. So when I struggle, I remember this foundation I learned from my yoga classes back in 2013. I remember to be present and learn to be ok with where I am right now. Every day will be different, and that is ok. It is also ok to work towards goals and learn to enjoy the journey to achieve those goals.


I gained so much strength as I because consistent with my yoga practice, both mental and physical. In 2016, I discovered my yoga studio offered a HIIT-style workout class. Several stations did a variety of workouts using minimal equipment such as dumbbells and resistance bands. I incorporated these HIIT-style classes into my yoga practice. I loved seeing the strength that I saw and body composition changes. I learned many different workouts that I wouldn’t have otherwise known how to do. I still wanted more.

Strength Training

In 2017, I joined a gym used the knowledge I compiled from the HIIT classes at my yoga studio into what I thought was the perfect workout routine. Which, at the time, was just what I needed. I had so much fun using dumbbells and kettlebells to do all of my workouts. After a while, I discovered many of my current favorite fitness YouTube channels and learned more about strength training.

In 2018, I began lifting heavier. I began incorporating barbell workouts and heavier dumbbell workouts. I used machines for all of my leg workouts and just dumbbells for my upper body workouts.

Mental Health

I have gone through phases that I don’t work out consistently. During 2019 I went on and off a lot. I had just moved, began a renovation, and just stopped going to the gym. Then 2020 and the pandemic hit. I was the worst about not being consistent with my workouts. Gyms closed down, and I lost all motivation and wasn’t confident with safety when working out at the gym. I did discover running during this time, but I didn’t stick to it as much. I learned that I really loved running too.

During this time, my mental health went down the toilet quickly. My anxiety and depression were at an all-time high, between all of the things with the pandemic and not having that stress reliever. Read my blog post about how exercise can be a stress reliever. I needed to make some changes. I didn’t get back into a regular workout routine until the end of February of 2021. Since then, I have some goals I am working towards. Read my blog post about my current fitness goals.

I’ve learned that fitness is the biggest way to relieve my stress and keep my anxiety and depression under control. I thrive off of consistency and routine, so having a consistent workout routine helps me SIGnificantly. I can tell quickly when I am off my routine. I have more days that I feel more anxious and more depressed than when I am on my routine. I cannot recommend exercise to help with mental health. Of course, I am not a professional so if you’re struggling with your mental health, definitely see your doctor.


When I moved to Durango, CO, I discovered just how much I LOVE hiking and backpacking. I find it so much fun to be outside in the wilderness. It is such a fun time to unplug for a time and enjoy the sights. I write a ton of blog posts about backpacking and hiking, with tons more to come. So stay tuned!

Personal Training and Nutrition Certification

Even though my workout routine was pretty much non-existent during 202, I began my journey to get my personal training and nutrition certifications. I realized that I wouldn’t say I like working retail. It is not what brings joy to my life as a career choice. I love fitness and having fitness goals to work towards. It has always been my passion, and I decided that it’s something I’d like to make into a career.

The Idea for My Active Life began with the thought that living a healthy and active lifestyle should be sustainable. I want to help individuals discover how to create a healthy and active lifestyle sustainable for them. I currently offer online coaching programs that I’ll give you a nutrition plan and individualized workouts.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for
— unknown

If you are here and reading this, that means you have an interest in your health and fitness. That is so good; I am so excited for you! Taking care of your body is literally the best thing you can do for yourself in the present and the long term.

I find that quote so inspiring. Hard work will pay off in the future, but you also have to live in the moment, and I feel like taking care of yourself is doing both. You are doing good for yourself now as well as for your future self.

If you are interested in learning more about all things health and fitness, follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram @myactivelife_stacey. I am now offering nutrition and personal training online coaching programs. These six-week programs are designed to help you create lifelong healthy habits with nutrition and fitness. Click here to learn more!

Subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of the page to get tips on things health and fitness related along with some tips on outdoor activities sprinkled here and there. Thank you all for the support, and I’ll see you in the next post!

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    Stacey Behrends

    Stacey is a Colorado native who is passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. She write about all things health and fitness with outdoor activities such as backpacking and hiking. For more about the author read About Me

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