Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

5 Ways to Be Active

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can be tough with busy schedules, but it's essential for a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, there are many ways to prioritize physical activity, like taking a leisurely stroll, using stairs instead of elevators, parking further from your destination, doing household chores, or joining fitness classes. These small adjustments can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can optimize your physical activity and enhance your health. So, why not start prioritizing exercise in your daily routine today?

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healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends

How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To (Updated 2023)

Like anyone, I always have days where I want to sit and binge the latest shows on various streaming platforms or scroll TikTok. But I know my body and mind like it much better when I am active. If I am sedentary for too long, I fall asleep more than I need to, or I get restless, and my mind starts to wander into negative headspace. Physical activity helps with this, probably more than I realized….

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yoga Stacey Behrends yoga Stacey Behrends

Ultimate Beginners Guide to Yoga

Have you heard someone talk about their yoga practice and wonder what that even means? In this two part series, I break down what yoga is as well as provide an ultimate beginners guide to yoga. In part one, I discuss the different styles of yoga and a brief history of where yoga even came from. Part two, I give you a list of recommended products and videos to get started at home.

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exercise, stress, fitness Stacey Behrends exercise, stress, fitness Stacey Behrends

Exercise to Relieve Stress

Most of the general population lives their lives in a state of stress. Without an outlet to relieve that stress, your mental and physical health can be at stake. A lot of common stress is caused by work, finances, family, and friends. Having a regular exercise program is not only beneficial to your physical well-being, but also to your mental health. Whether it be a structured program, strength training, running, yoga, HIIT workouts, circuits, or simply getting outside to walk, some form of exercise is better than nothing in most cases.

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yoga Stacey Behrends yoga Stacey Behrends

What is Yoga?

Have you heard someone talk about their yoga practice and wonder what that even means? In this two part series, I break down what yoga is as well as provide an ultimate beginners guide to yoga. In part one, I discuss the different styles of yoga and a brief history of where yoga even came from. Part two, I give you a detailed list of recommended products for beginners as well as where to find quality videos to get started practicing at home.

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Reasons to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Health and fitness are apart of my everyday life, but what motivates me? There are many reasons to be healthy, but most importantly, I’d like to continuously improve my quality of life. Living a healthy and active lifestyle help me achieve just that. Maybe you can find some motivation in my reasons why.

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healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends healthy habits, active lifestyle, fitness Stacey Behrends

How I Stay Active, Even When I Don’t Want To

Like anyone, I always have days where I just want to sit and binge the latest shows on Netflix. But I know that my body and mind likes it much better when I am active. If I am sedentary for too long, either I fall asleep more than I need to or I get restless and my mind starts to wonder into negative headspace. Physical activity definitely helps with this, probably more than I realized…..

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