My Active Life - Stacey

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How Creating a Workout Schedule Can Help You Lose Weight

What are your fitness goals? There are many kinds of fitness goals that people try to achieve. Whether building muscle, reducing stress, or losing weight, having a workout schedule can quickly help you achieve those goals.

My fitness goals are to reduce stress and improve my cardiovascular endurance. So I have been running. I like exercising every day, but that isn’t achievable right now, so I am okay with squeezing in a 20-minute 2-mile run three days a week. Plus, for running, that is probably enough cardio. In addition to running, I’ll do one at-home workout for a total of 4 activities a week. I like to work out abs in each session since core strength and proper posture are crucial for everyday life.

If I were willing to go to the gym, I’d have more strength training mixed into my routine. See my blog post about my Fall Fitness Goals to read more. Please note that I have changed my way a bit since then. I was trying to achieve too much for what my goals were. So I like to schedule my workouts to help hold myself accountable.

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This is an expert from my full blog post in My Active Life, LLC Members, where I post exclusive blog posts with nutrition and fitness tips and full workout videos and programs. Click here to join My Active Life, LLC Members, and read the full post.

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Note: I am not a fitness professional, and this is based on my experience only. For complete fitness programs, consult with a personal trainer.


This one is huge in achieving your fitness goals. No matter if you’re trying to build muscle, reduce stress, or lose weight. If you’re not consistent, you will not see results. Consistency not only allows you to hold yourself accountable, but it also creates lifelong habits.

Increased Activity Level

Increased Energy Levels

Reduced Stress

This is an expert from my full blog post in My Active Life, LLC Members, where I post exclusive blog posts with nutrition and fitness tips and full workout videos and programs. Click here to join My Active Life, LLC Members, and read the full post.

Creating a workout schedule allows you to hold yourself accountable, create lifelong habits, and achieve your fitness goals. It doesn’t matter your fitness goals, so long as your workout schedule aims to achieve those goals. For example, if your fitness goals are to build muscle, you don’t want to rely on cardio to achieve those goals. No, it would be best if you strength train with heavy volume and have a workout split to accomplish that.

In addition to having a workout schedule, you also need to eat toward your goals. You spend X amount of time in the gym, right? But that’s only a fraction of your time, so what about the rest? One of the most significant components for achieving fitness goals is nutrition. Please read my blog post about meal planning to achieve your fitness goals, as well as my blog post about the basic nutrition guidelines from the USDA.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a qualifying purchase through one of the links, I may receive a small commission. Your support allows me to continue doing what I love and share my passion for living a healthy and active lifestyle. I appreciate your support!

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If you are here and reading this, you have an interest in your health and fitness. That is so good; I am so excited for you! Taking care of your body is the best thing you can do for yourself in the present and the long term.

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”

— unknown

I find that quote so inspiring. Hard work will pay off in the future, but you must also live in the moment, and taking care of yourself is doing both. You are doing good for yourself now and for your future self.

Thank you so much for reading! If you want to learn more about health and fitness, follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram @myactivelife_stacey.

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