Activewear Favorites
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Activewear Favorites

I try not to purchase clothes often and wear what I currently have. So, my favorites stay mostly the same. I wanted to put all of my links in one place so I can update when/if things change! These are affiliate links, but it costs nothing to you to purchase through my links. It supports my content, so I thank you in advance!

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Molas Lake Near Silverton, CO
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Molas Lake Near Silverton, CO

My husband and I recently visited Molas Lake near Silverton, CO, and stayed at their campground. Overall, it was a beautiful area. There was a lot of open space behind our campsite, and the lake was just a short walk away. Here’s everything you can do at or near Molas Lake.

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Things to do in Durango, CO
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Things to do in Durango, CO

Durango, CO, is located in southwest Colorado near the Four Corners of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. You can do various activities in Durango, including Downtown Durango, hiking, river rafting, riding the train, visiting lake nighthorse, and camping and backpacking.

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Things to do in Ouray, CO
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Things to do in Ouray, CO

Ouray, Colorado, is a charming mountain town known for its natural beauty. It is characterized by stunning waterfalls, towering cliffs, and natural hot springs. The city is also famous for outdoor activities such as hiking, ice climbing, and off-roading. With its rich history and picturesque setting, Ouray is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. There are many things to do in Ouray! You can visit Box Canon Falls to see a fantastic waterfall, take a soak in the Hot Springs, enjoy rock climbing on the Via Ferrata, book a Jeep Tour, dine with a view of downtown at the Ouray Brewery, and hike around the town on the Perimeter trail.

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6 Things to do in Summer on a Budget
summer, camping, backpacking, hiking, picnic Stacey Behrends summer, camping, backpacking, hiking, picnic Stacey Behrends

6 Things to do in Summer on a Budget

Summertime can be an excellent opportunity to explore your local area, especially if you are on a budget. I understand that summer travel is very enticing, but the cost of traveling during the summer months can be significantly higher than at other times.

Sometimes, it can be challenging to find local activities. I often struggle with this in my town, as there isn't much to do here. However, there are a few neighboring towns that offer more outdoor activities.

Are you looking for fun and affordable activities this summer, with or without kids? Here are six budget-friendly ideas to make the most of the sunny season!

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Things to do in Oregon
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Things to do in Oregon

Oregon offers diverse activities for nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and city explorers, including vibrant food and art scenes in Portland, beautiful landscapes such as the Columbia River Gorge and Crater Lake National Park, outdoor activities along the Oregon Coast, and unique wine country exploration.

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Beginners Guide to Backpacking
travel Stacey Behrends travel Stacey Behrends

Beginners Guide to Backpacking

Backpacking can be a fun method of camping and hiking all in one trip. However, it can be daunting for beginners, even experienced campers, as it's a very different experience. You must carry all your gear, so it's important to prepare everything - gear, food, and water - ahead of time to ensure your first backpacking trip goes smoothly. Additionally, it's crucial to practice leave-no-trace principles while on the trail.

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Travel - Trip Planning Guide w/Packing Checklist
travel Stacey Behrends travel Stacey Behrends

Travel - Trip Planning Guide w/Packing Checklist

Travel is an exhilarating way to discover new places and make unforgettable memories. Whether you're exploring a foreign country or your own hometown, planning a trip can be overwhelming if you don't know where to start. Fortunately, with the right research and preparation, you can create a travel itinerary that is both enjoyable and stress-free. As someone who loves the excitement of planning a trip, I believe that the anticipation of a fun adventure is one of the best parts of the entire journey. So, if you're looking to plan your next travel adventure, follow these tips for a successful and memorable trip!

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Macros & Micronutrients 101
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Macros & Micronutrients 101

With so many food choices and a lack of nutritional education, it’s not always apparent when it comes to healthy food choices. Here is a rundown of all you need to know about the USDA daily intake recommendations for fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein.

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Push/Pull/Legs Workout Split
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Push/Pull/Legs Workout Split

Work out split, is it just more buzz words surrounding the fitness community? Do you head to the gym and randomly pick your workouts at the moment? Do you struggle with having a strategy for creating workouts that maximize your workouts? Creating a workout split may be beneficial to achieving your fitness goals.

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5 Common Fitness Myths
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

5 Common Fitness Myths

We have all heard various fitness tips, and it can be challenging to decipher what is helpful information and what is myths.

Trust me, I have fallen victim to many myths along my fitness journey. It has been a wild ride along the way.

I have been on an on-and-off fitness journey for what feels like a million years. I am constantly falling off because I attempt to do too many new things all at once, which is not sustainable, and I keep doing this repeatedly. Apparently, I am insane. So, this year, my approach is going to be more attainable.

Here are the 5 most common fitness myths I have encountered over the years and why these ideals are untrue. And, of course, give you the correct information surrounding these myths.

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Fitness Motivation
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Fitness Motivation

Motivation is crucial to achieving our goals, but relying solely on it might not be beneficial for fitness goals. Writing out the reasons for starting the journey can help reignite motivation. Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for a fulfilling and successful life.

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New Year’s Goals
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

New Year’s Goals

In today's fast-paced world, setting goals for the new year is crucial for achieving specific objectives. It helps us focus our attention and energy on what we want to accomplish. However, not all goals are created equal, and a specific process needs to be followed to ensure effectiveness. This article will explore the steps for setting effective goals that will help create positive change in our lives

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Reflection and Personal Growth
Stacey Behrends Stacey Behrends

Reflection and Personal Growth

Reflection & personal growth are vital for self-improvement. Learn how reflection helps you grow & develop professionally & personally. Explore different forms & benefits of reflection & discover how prioritizing personal growth can help you live a more fulfilling life.

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Running and Knee Pain
running, workout tips, fitness tips Stacey Behrends running, workout tips, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

Running and Knee Pain

It's a common misconception that knee pain and running go hand in hand, but injury is often caused by improper form or overuse. When done correctly, running can help strengthen the knee joint muscles and improve joint health overall. To prevent knee pain, addressing these misconceptions and incorporating strength training or cross-training into your routine is important. Additionally, wearing the appropriate shoes, warming up and stretching, and gradually increasing your mileage are all necessary preventative measures. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of knee pain and continue to enjoy the sport of running.

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Top 3 Nutrition Tips
weightloss, nutrition tips, nutrition Stacey Behrends weightloss, nutrition tips, nutrition Stacey Behrends

Top 3 Nutrition Tips

With all of our options for food options with so many convenience foods. But in the United States, obesity is becoming an epidemic. In my previous nutrition post, I wrote about nutrition being more important than exercise. While both are important, your food affects you more than your exercise. So, you may hinder your progress if you are not eating with your fitness goals.

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How to Prioritize Exercise
exercise, workouts, fitness tips Stacey Behrends exercise, workouts, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

How to Prioritize Exercise

In today's fast-paced world, it can be tough to squeeze in some exercise despite its crucial role in maintaining good health. However, with a little prioritization, we can easily make time for physical activity.

Even 20 minutes of exercise can make a significant difference, and there are plenty of enjoyable activities to choose from, such as walking, dancing, or playing sports. Taking care of ourselves is essential to achieving a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Regular exercise benefits our physical health and supports mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and making us feel good in the long run.

So, let's make exercise a priority and take those small steps towards a healthier and happier life!

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The Importance of Resistance Training
fitness, resistance training, exercise, fitness tips Stacey Behrends fitness, resistance training, exercise, fitness tips Stacey Behrends

The Importance of Resistance Training

Strength training is good for us! It can help us build stronger muscles and burn more calories, even when not exercising. It's always wise to take care of our bodies and prevent health problems, and it's never too late to start. But before starting a new workout routine, especially if you've had health problems or injuries, it's essential to talk to a doctor. Plus, regular strength training can make our brains work better and improve our mental health.

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